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sirian hamster

21 11:11:00

I have a sunflower in my garden and I would like to know if my pet hamster can eat the seeds that grow in the middle of the flower seeing though as they would be home grown?

Hi Chris

I would imagine it is fine to give these (although I never have as the birds usually get to the seeds before I do).  The important thing is that you must make sure the seeds have dried out.  Don't give your hamster the actual flower head as soon as the petals fall as the seeds will be under-ripe and I would imagine that this could make your hamster sick.  If you leave the sunflower to die back, the flower head will dry out and the seeds will turn black. At this stage you can pop the seeds out from the centre of the flower head.  However, birds will often come along and take them at this stage.  I tend to leave mine for the birds as sometimes they struggle to find food in the garden.  It can be also be difficult to judge when the right time is to pick the seeds and I would worry about giving them to my hamsters in case I fed them at the wrong time.  Whilst it is a nice idea, I buy my hamsters their sunflower seeds from the health shop which are already peeled and which I know are safe for them.  I think I would be inclined to let the birds enjoy the sunflower seeds home-grown in your garden!
