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Vincent my hamster

21 11:10:44


this is vincent
my hamster has a small lump on his left frount paw and he is favering one side a bit. he is eating and drinking. he is weeing but his poo's are a bit hard and dry.

please i love him and dont what it to get to bad.
p.s hes asleep in the picture  

Hi Sophie

It is difficult to know what this lump is.  How old is Vincent?  Generally, lumps in hamsters are cysts, abscesses or tumors.  There is a condition called polyomavirus which causes small wart-like lumps to appear, and these tend to come at the front of the hamster, often around the head/neck area.  As these are superficial they can be surgically removed. It could be that he has scratched himself and this has caused a lump.  Injuries often heal on their own, but you might notice blood or pus in which case it is important to keep the area clean and if it infects he may need antibiotics.  Tumors tend to be red and shiny.

It would be an idea to keep a close watch on this lump and see if there are any changes over the coming days.  Perhaps measure it so that you know for sure if it has increased at all.  If it starts to get large, then definitely get a vet to check it out.  Sometimes lumps can grow very quickly.  Also, if it changes appearance - i.e. there is pus, blood, or becomes red and shiny.  This also needs a vet to examine.

Regarding his poo - it is very important that he does not get constipated.  You can avoid this by varying his diet.  What are you feeding him?  Are you giving him fresh vegetables daily?  It is a good idea to give a little fresh vegetable each evening, such as cabbage, broccoli, corn on the cob, peas etc.  Lettuce can cause diarrhoea and therefore this should only be given in small quantities - I tend to give mine this about once a week.

I hope this helps you and that he is OK.  If you are in any doubt, please get him to a vet.
