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Troubles In Breeding

21 11:42:49

Hello! I have a male and a female. They mated alot of times but the first time they mated was 2 weeks ago. Now, I got some info off the internet is when she doesn't go in heat anymore it means she's pregnant. I noticed that she hasn't gone in heat in the past week. I don't know if she's pregnant though because she doesn't seem any fatter and I don't see nests anywhere. She has seemed to loose interest in the male. She used to LOVE him! Is she pregnant or can she never have babies? Please E-mail me back!


She may well be pregnant but you would not know until the last few days before the babies are due. She will not become any fatter until then and she will behave totally normally in her daily activities!!! If she has stopped mating then this is likely to show she is pregnant! I would be careful keeping the male in as if you do the minute she gives birth you they will mate again and she will have more babies on the way. She can become exhausted because of this.
Remember handle her gently, and when the babies are born do not interfere for a week or so!!!
