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A problem

21 13:31:59

 Im 11 years old, and my hampster Is acting very wierd.She is very still, and not trying to get away from me.She does't feel tense like she usually doese.She won't go on her wheel, or her runn around ball.My friends 2 male hampsters came over the other day, one was licking her private parts, but nothing else happend.Im very scared.Can you please help me find out whats wrong?

thank you for your question.
I really advise that you take your hamster to the vet, this sounds like she might be ill.
She might be pregnant (hamsters mate VERY quickly), but this wouldn't explain her behaviour.

If your friend brings his or her hamster over again, don't let them run around with your hamster or you'll might end up with 10 to 15 babies. This sounds cute at the first moment but it's very difficult to find a good place for all the baies and they might end up as snake food in a pet shop.

Apart from that, all hamsters don't like to be with other hamsters (a few dwarf hamsters might live together, but I usually advise against it) - it's just stress for them even if theys don't show it.

So, please take your hamster to the vet as quickly as possible.
I hope I was of some help