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baby hamsters sex????

21 13:32:00

We were soooo surprised when our male (ha ha) serian hamster gave birth to 7 beautiful babies.  They are now about 3 weeks old and I have tried to determine the sex, so we can separate them.  They all look like males to me.  Is this possible?  A litter of all males?  Or are we making the same mistake the pet shop owner made with our hamster?  Also, we separated them from the mama since she seemed to be trying to stay away from them more and more.  Their eyes are open and they are all drinking water and eating food.  Is this okay?  Thanks!

congratulations on your baby hamsters!
shops are often really bad at sexing animals, sometimes relying on the breeder to sex them and not double checking.
  its quite possible to have a litter of males, but you can wait til they are 4 weeks to separate them, that gives a few more days for their bodys to develop.
 if it helps, my website has pictures and photos that might help you determine the sex of the hammies
Baby hamsters always come from mum at about 3 weeks, so your timing is perfect, by now they should be weaned and living on solid food.:-)
 at four and a half weeks/5 weeks its ok for them to go to new homes, but they need to be separated by about 8 weeks depending on how much they fight, into separate cages.
congratulations again!