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Dwarf Chinese Hamsters

21 11:36:49

My Mummy & Daddy bought me two male dwarf chinese hamsters in June this year.  I bought them a rotastack cage with a wheel and tubes.  The lady in the shop recommended we bought two together (of the same sex).  One (called Cheeky) is very lively and enjoys going around the lounge in his ball (we bought them one each).  The other one (called Lunar) just sits there.  When I get them out of their cage (which is every night) and hold them Cheeky goes from hand to hand but Lunar, again, just sits there.  Lunar also makes like a 'chattering' noise and seems to 'shake'.  Please can you tell me if you think Lunar is being bullied or if he may not be very well?  I have read a lot of questions on here about not putting two dwarf hamsters together, do you think Mummy & Daddy should separate them?  

We look forward to hearing from you.  Thank you.

Dear Amie,
thank you for your question.
You should see a vet with Lunar as soon as possible. The chattering noise may well be a sign for a respiratory infection which is serious and needs to be treated.

I also recommend separating the hamsters. Chinese dwarf hamsters are not social and they will start to fight sooner or later. You can build hamster cages from OSB panels (a sort of wooden panels, they can be bought at hardware stores and are not very expensive) or you can look for tanks at garage sales, in the ads of your local paper or online ( for example). In my opinion, the minimum for a dwarf hamster should be 30x15x15 inches long wide and high. Tanks shouldn't be higher than wide to ensure proper ventilation and you definitely need a mesh wire lid because they can jump really high.
I hope I was of some help to you