Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Fancy Dwarf Hamster

Fancy Dwarf Hamster

21 11:40:42

QUESTION: I just bought a hamster, and I want to take the best care of him that is possible.  First off, Petco had him labeled as a "fancy dwarf hamster" - exactly what kind of hamster is that?

Also, the care sheet I got from them was pretty vague.  It said to keep his food bowl full and give him occassional vegetables and fruits.  How often should I give him fresh food, and how much should he have?  What do hamsters like best?

The sheet said that hamsters are nocturnal; however, mine seems run for half an hour or so, eat a little, then sleep some, then wake again throughout the day and the night.  Is this normal?  If I take him out of his cage and put him in his exercise ball, how do I know when he is tired of it and ready for his cage again?  How do I know when he is tired of being held?

How often can I give my hamster treats?  What exactly IS a treat to a hamster?  Are the ones you buy in the store the best thing to give them?  Would it be good for me to get my hamster one of those salt wheels?  What else should I get?

Also, is it okay to give him cardboard tubes (like an empty paper towel roll) to chew and play with, or will this hurt him if he eats it?

I want to get him one of those expandable plastic castles, but I have heard that hamsters chew through those.  Would he be happy with one of them?

Sorry I am asking so many questions - I just want to keep my hamster happy!  Also feel free to give me any advice you think I need on things I didn't ask about.

Thanks in advance!!!

ANSWER: Hi Alex,

A "Fancy" hamster isn't any different from a regular hamster.  It's just another name for it.  You either have a Campbell's Dwarf hamster (the more common type - generallly tan and white colored) or a Winter White Dwarf hamster (smaller than the Campbell's, and grey and white).

You should give your hamster approximately a tablespoon of dry hamster mix each day.  After 24 hours, dump any remaining food, since you don't want the food to get old.  If the food has a lot of sunflower seeds and/or peanuts, remove those, and place them in a separate container.  Then, give your hamster only one peanut or sunflower seed per day, since these foods are fatty.  My favorite dry hamster mix is Hartz Bonanza.

Many hamsters wake during the day, but they usually go back to sleep quickly.  Most hamsters will stay awake the majority of the night.  However, some hamsters are like your's - they're active during the day and night.  This behavior is relatively normal, if a bit rare.

You should leave your hamster in his ball for no more than 10-15 minutes at a time.  The same goes for holding him or playing with him.  After playing with him for 15 minutes or less, let him go back in his cage and get water or food.

You can give your hamster a treat every day.  A great treat is a plain Cheerio.  Of course, you can get the treats that are in pet stores, as well, and give your hamster one per day.  Also, hamsters enjoy salt wheels (though they're not necessary).

Cardboard tubes are fine to give to your hamster.  Unlike gerbils, the hamster won't chew on it very much.  Any cardboard that he chews on, he will spit out, so you don't have to worry about him ingesting any of it.  (However, you'll need to make sure the cardboard has no printing on it.)

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about when you say "expandable plastic castles."  Do you maybe have a link to a picture?

Have a great weekend!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My hamster is grey, and his fur is a LOT softer than most hamsters - he almost feels like a chinchilla.  Would that make him a Winter White?

Here is the website for a picture of one of the the plastic cages I was talking about - maybe I didn't pick the best way to describe them :)

Also, if I were to get one of the tall cages with many levels, with ramps connecting the platforms (as opposed to tubes or tunnels), would there be any danger of my hamster falling off the ledges?  Or should I stick to the kind with full floors and tunnels?

This website is the kind with the ledges:

Thank you so much!!!!

Hi Alex,

It sounds like you have a Winter White Dwarf.  Here's a link to a picture:

As far as the cages, they both have their drawbacks.  The SAM cage is all plastic, which allows for little ventilation.  Not enough ventilation leads to condensation inside the cage, which can harm the hamster's respiratory system.  I would definitely avoid cages made only out of plastic.

The other cage, the wire one, has too much wire, which will be drafty (leaving your hamster more susceptible to colds).  It's also quite messy when your hamster kicks his bedding out of the cage.  (However, the levels are fine - hamsters have good balance, and your hamster would likely not fall off the ledge.)

The best type of cage is a combination of the two - wire and plastic.  You want a cage with plenty of plastic and plenty of wire.  My favorite cages are the Super Pet Crittertrail cages.  They have about 50% wire and 50% plastic.  That way, the hamster gents plenty of ventilation, yet his cage is not too drafty.  Also, Crittertrail cages come with a solid wheel (avoid wheels with rungs, which can injure the hamster's feet), a water bottle, and a food bowl.  All you have to add is the food and bedding.  For bedding, use Aspen or Carefresh.  Avoid Pine and Cedar beddings at all costs; these beddings have strong aromatic oils which can cause respiratory illnesses.  And, avoid Bed Fluff, which is dangerous to hamsters because it can cause strangulation.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
