Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > thanks


21 13:28:37

Thanks for answering my last one it really helpd. I thought that a hampster lived longer than that :-(   I bought spot a big cage. It ahs a tanke on the bottom and a bar cage almost a foot long on top. When should i take this away because i hve another hamster that wants it but spot looks like she likes it because she goes to the bottom and eats and drinks then runs up and goes in her hiding place. Or sometimes she stays on the bottom and sleeps in that one.
Thanks again for the answer of the last one :-)  Please respond.
                         p.s. It helped alot im not so worried about her.

hi sam,

it sounds like spot is having a lovely time. you're obviously a good parent to her!
i would leave the equipment in the cage until she is too old that she struggles to use it. if she still has the energy to use it then it would be a shame to take it out, seeing as she's enjoying herself so much.
you'll know when its the right time if you keep an eye on her as she will struggle to climb up and down her cage. but until then it would be unfair to remove it as after all it is giving her excersise which in turn prolongs her life.
thanks for your question, jewel