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hamsters that are mating

21 13:26:47

if your Short haired Syrian hamster is mating a lot does that mean the girl hamster is definitly pregnant?


It's possible that the female is pregnant.  It usually only takes a few mating attempts to be successful.  Just remember, Syrian hamsters are solitary.  Therefore, your male and female hamsters *must* be in different cages.  Syrian hamsters absolutely do not get along and will fight violently.

Signs of pregnancy are building a large nest and hoarding food in it.  Also, around day 10, the female's belly will be larger, and her nipples will be more prominent.

If you determine that your hamster is not pregnant, and you want your hamsters to mate again - Make sure the female is in heat first.  A female hamster will come into heat about once every 4 days.  To see if she is in heat, stroke her back.  She will "freeze" and her tail will stick up.  You may also smell a musky odor.  Then, put her in the male's cage, or in a neutral cage.  (Just don't put the male in the female's cage - she will fight with him.)  Let the hamsters mate for about 15 minutes, or until they've lost interest.

A couple of days before the hamster is due to give birth, clean the cage and remove the wheel.  Fill the cage with plenty of Aspen or Carefresh bedding.  (Avoid Pine and Cedar, which are dangerous.  Also avoid Bed Fluff.)  Once the babies are due, don't forget to not touch them until they are 14 days old.  (If you touch them, your scent will rub off on them, and the mother will reject them.)

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
