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how to tell differ between boys and girls golden

21 12:00:01

fighting between two female golden hamsters

Hi Tammy,

To tell the difference between male and female hamsters, hold them so that their stomach is facing up, towards you.  Then, look underneath the tail.  A male hamster will have prominent testicles.  A female hamster will not.

Two Syrian (Golden) hamsters, whether they're male or female, *will always* fight.  Syrian hamsters are solitary animals, and they should NEVER be kept more than one to a cage.  If two adult Syrians are in a cage together, they will fight violently, resulting in the death of one of the hamsters.  So you should separate your hamsters into different cages immediately, to avoid this violence.  And, place their cages at least a few feet apart.  

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
