Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > How many pellets should a teddy bear hamster have each day?

How many pellets should a teddy bear hamster have each day?

21 11:10:39

Hi Heather,
  I have recently bought a bag of these pellets for my hamster.
How many pellets do you suppose I must offer him daily?(please provide an exact amount) Also, since my hamster is a very selective eater, I prefer not to give him seeds, considering pellets are much healthier. I might as well give him those seeds about once a week as treats. Thank you for reading.
Please note:
1. He is approximately 11 months old.

I've never seen that type of food before, it must be semi new. Most dry food has some sort of tablespoon guide, like normal dry food blend is usually 1-2 tablespoons a day. I'd offer 2 tablespoons of them. Won't hurt because if he doesn't eat them he'll hoard them, and you should be cleaning out the cage and the hoard once a week anyway. There's really no right or wrong with food like this.