Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > wad does it means when hamsters sqeaks

wad does it means when hamsters sqeaks

21 13:28:23

i just bought two hamsters which were about 1month plus old....i place them in my room in a cage
then  i off the lights of the room and went to the dinning room for dinner when i heard them sqeaking very loudly. i do not noe what it means.
does it means that they are afraid or hurt?
i have no experience of keeping a hamster so i need your help...thanks


     This could mean that the hamsters or scared. It could also mean that they were fighting hamster need to be in seperate cages especially males, males can not live together in one cage or eventually one will kill the other. I would seperate them to see if the squeking stops but if it doesn't then they are most likely scared and just need a little tender love and care to get over the scaredness.

Thanks for writing