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Please help me!

21 13:28:51

I have an oldish hamster, she is 2 and a half to three and she seems to be acting strange. It may be because she is getting old, but she doesn't eat a lot or drink much,  and sleeps constatly but I have taken a look at her teeth and they seem to be fine; not too long. She is moving much slower and keeps stumbling. She seems to have some slight diorreah that was a lighter shade then her normal pee. When she was well, I would call to her, and she would come out right away, and now she hardly even moves. I put vitimins in her water when I noticed her feeling worse and she will drink only a little more. The only thing that I changed in the past few days was when I put a flavored wood stick in her cage. I thought she might be allergic, so I removed them, but it has been days and she still doesn't look good. I love my little hamster, and I am really worried about her, so if you could help, it would make me feel much better.

So sorry you had to put your hamster down. Yeah an infection in the abdomon does cause the same problems as wettail. You did the best you could do :-). If you want another one wash out everything with a little bleach water. and throw out any treats she's had in her cage.