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handrearing baby gerbils

21 11:43:05

my mum has died and the 3 babies are 16 days old what do i do. the vets don't know what to feed them on.many thanks

Hi Mandy,

OK they are old enough now to survive, you need to offer them human baby food (Cow and Gate Sunshine Bananna is good) mix this with water to make a runny ish paste and put in the cage when you are around to supervise (once they can see you can leave this in the cage). Also put standard gerbil food in, but also put in a bowl of Canary seed which you buy from the local pet shop, this is goof for them, and they find it easy to learn to eat!! All of the above should be enough to get them onto proper solid gerbil food, and will help to keep energy levels up!!

Let me know how this gets on!!