Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Loss of hair

Loss of hair

21 11:30:11

I have a dwarf hamster who is slowly losing her hair on the lower part of her back. The area is getting a bit red. I've heard previously that bedding plays a big role, and I've tried a couple different kinds (pine from the pet store, and recycled paper from Petco). Nothing is working, and I don't want to take her to the vet because she's only a hamster and it costs $.

Hi Rebecca,

you hamster sounds like it has a skin condition which needs medication.

You should take her to the vets to make sure she is ok and to get some medication.

It is not her fault that she is ill and she needs to se a vet!  You should not get pets if you cant afford to take them to the vets if they need to go!!

