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Lonley Gerbil!!!

21 11:57:25

I have a gerbil named Mr. Freckles and he seems very lonely. When I first got him he was always sweet. He never bit or scratched me but during the past few months he's been acting very hostile. He wont let me hold him and he bites...he also seems very sad and lonely. I want to get him a companion but I'm afraid that since he's older they might fight, should I get him one anyway?

Hello Tori,

Unfortunately if he is lonely you won't be able to get him a companion, unless it is female, but then you will risk having hundreds of babies! It is possible to buy a female, let them have one litter of babies and you can then put the very young males with dad (who should accept them at such a young age) and keep the girls with mum. That would mean they all have company, and you don't have thousands of babies, but it would also mean you would need another cage.

They do like to be in groups/pairs, so the chances are he is lonely, although i can't guarantee it, if you are still worried maybe consult your vet just to check there are no other underlying problems!!

I hope this helps, let me know what you decide to do, and if you need more help please feel free to ask!

Thank you,