Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Six Syrian Babies

Six Syrian Babies

21 11:28:53

My hamster had 6 babies and now they are 9 days old. When can we carry them to sell because me friend asked if he and his sister can have a male and female?


Your hamsters won't be ready for re-homing until they are around 5-6 weeks old.  At 9 days old they must stay with their mum as she needs to feed them.  When they reach 2 weeks old they will leave the nest in search of food and this is a good time to start handling them if you can.  Continue to handle them (only for a few minutes at a time as they must go back to mum to keep warm and be fed).  At 4 weeks you need to sex the hamsters and separate out the boys.  The girls then stay with mum for another week or two and the boys stay in a cage together also until they are 5-6 weeks old when they are ok to re-home.  They will all need a cage of their own at 6 weeks otherwise they will fight.
