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could my hampster be pregnant

21 11:33:36

First off, I know you get a lot of these questions; but My Hampsters have been fighting we have a one level cage, with a tower, the female ( that I think Is pregnant) has been up there, I mean taking food; everything up there, and pileing bedding and food at the bottom of the tube ( so Im guessing the Male cannot get up there or something), The female has also been really mean to the male, attacking him, pinning him down, we got her about a week ago at the pet store, I picked her because she was the big fluffy one, but I noticed all the rest were little, I asked the store manager was it okay to keep the together, he told me absolutely since they are from the same litter, what I can't get is why she is bigger than the rest of them, stuffing more food that she can handle in her mouth, and attacking the male ( since they are from the same litter). I had to take the male out of the cage , and relocate him for his safetly because I was afraid he was going to get hurt. Any Advice would deeply help. Thanks.

Hi Angela,

the pet store should never have sold you two hamsters from the same litter which were of different sexes!!  you should separate them immediately!

What sort of hamsters do you have?  If you have Syrian hamsters then you need to separate them immediately because they will fight until one is dead.

It is ok to keep dwarfs together but they should be the same sex if they are from the same litter!

Please let me know what kind of hamsters you have and let me know how you get on.

Also, if you dont mind - can you give me the name and location of the petstore so that i can give them a ring?

Kind Regards,
