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Mr. J (my little black hamster)

21 11:37:45

He lives alone in a clean cage. He is over 2 and a half years old.  He is sweet, and he likes us.  About a month ago he developed BIG bulbous rear end.  He was eating and pooping just fine. No smells. NOW, that big bulbous section is around his middle.  He is huge and fat and swollen and can barely breathe.  He still tries to waddle around his cage to get food, but he isn't really eating it.  Very little poop.  Any idea?  Should I take him to vet to euthanize?  Thanks so much for your help.

Hi Dawn

Sorry to hear your hamster isn't well.  He is a very good age, but unfortunately hamsters are very prone to tumors at this time which is what this sounds like.

I would advise that you get him to a vet urgently - they will be able to confirm this, and if it is, then I'm afraid euthanasia is the kindest option.  I had a hamster like this once - suddenly he could hardly walk - when the vet examined him we found a tumor the size of a grape that had grown in his belly.  This was affecting his legs, and also his breathing as it was forcing the diaphragm and putting pressure on his lungs.

Sorry I'm not being very positive - just trying to be realistic.
