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Hamster Babiies

21 11:36:15

hi im guna mate my hamster wiv my 2 frends female hasmters n i no dey av 2 stay wiv da mum for a month but wen i get them can i house them with the dad (my hamster) while finding a home for them and if i can't what should i put them in and what food do they eat and drink???

Hi Claudia,

The babies will actually stay with their mom for 3 weeks.  After 3 weeks, they should be placed in a separate cage.  They should stay in this new cage for another 3 weeks.  When they're 6 weeks old, then they can go off to new homes.

When you get the new 6-week-old hamsters, each hamster will need his/her own cage.  I'm assuming you have Syrian hamsters (also called Teddy Bear hamsters), and Syrian hamsters cannot live together.  They would fight violently, and one of the hamsters would die.

You will not be able to put any of the babies in with your male hamsters, since he would kill the baby.  As I stated above, Syrian hamsters are solitary animals and absolutely cannot live together.

Once the babies are weaned off their mother's milk (when they are 3 weeks old), they will eat regular hamster food and drink water.  There aren't any special foods or liquids for them.

Have a great day, and good luck with your new arrivals!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
