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21 11:12:36

I have two gerbils a female and male and i woke up this morning to the females neck all bloody and patches of fur missing from its back. i was wondering why the male did that to her. do you have any idea why??

Hi Kela

I'm sorry to hear about your gerbil.  I'm afraid there is sometimes no logical explanation why two gerbils suddenly start to fight.  I've had this happen with mine and it is a real shame.  However, this type of fighting is serious and really they ought to be separated.  Once separated however you will not be able to put them back together again.  It really is your decision as to what to do, but any further fighting could be more serious.  

Regarding the one who has been bitten - make sure the wound is kept clean so it doesn't infect.  You can bathe it in warm salt water.  Teatree cream is a natural antiseptic and can be bought in pet shops for use on animals - this might help.  If the area does infect and you can see pus, then she will need antibiotics from a vet.  How is she behaving?  Does she appear OK or is she quiet?  If she is quiet then it would be worth rehydrating her - if you buy a packet of the human oral rehydration powders and mix according to the instructions.  Then with a dropper give her some of this a few times a day or as much as she wants for a day or two.  If she seems to be OK and is her usual self don't worry about giving this.  When one of my gerbils was badly bitten he looked very sick for a while and just sat shaking - this rehydration fluid helped bring him back to life - it replaces any lost fluids from the bites.

If you are in any dout it would be worth getting a vet to check her out.   Also have a look at the male in case he has been  bitten too as his wounds may need to be treated.

I hope this helps you.
