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My hamster has some problems

21 11:10:53

Hi there!

I have a teddy bear hamster who will be 5 in December, named Jaz. He's
always been very lively and I know he's really old. At the beginning of the year
he started getting very flaky skin and his hair started falling out, then he
stopped eating. I looked at him and found his teeth had fallen out, and so I he
couldn't eat. I started making him porridge and blending fruits and
vegetables, so he has started eating again. He eats a considerable amount and
is still happy. Then he developed a huge eye problem, where his eye gets all
covered in pus and he can't see. I took him to the vet who offered to put him
down but I refused and asked for antibiotics. The antibiotics haven't helped,
and so I have to clean his eye off every day. But his eye seems to be closing
up. Now he's developed a huge lump on his chin. It came over the period of
about 3 days, and I've no idea where from. I really don't know what to do with
him anymore =[ Please help me!

Hi Amber

This is a phenomenal age for a hamster.  

Firstly, his eye - it is important that you get this open each day - if necessary gently bathe the area with warm water to help him.  If left closed pus will continue to build up.  Did your vet give you an eye ointment - if not it might be worth getting this from him.  He might have developed conjunctivitis which is quite painful so medication would be adviseable.

Diet-wise - what you are doing is fine.  Try to vary his diet.  I usually keep a few packets of powdered baby food (different flavours) and mix a little with water daily for any with dental problems.  Keep a close watch on his teeth in case any one starts growing as it may well need clipping.

Skin-wise - this is typical with an old hamster.  He has probably got mites and you can treat this with a drug called Ivermectin.  Either your vet could give this, or you can buy it from pet shops.  A company called Beaphar make a small animal anti parasitic drug that contains this - it is applied externally to the back of the neck.  Do check the instructions carefully - it is OK to use this but if your hamster's skin is broken or if his immune system is severely compromised it might be best to avoid.

Lump - hamsters are very prone to getting tumors.  They can appear to grow over night at an incredible speed.  The problem is that if there is one lump chances are there are others somewhere in the body.  If this is just an external lump and isn't causing a problem then it might be OK to leave (there is no treatment as such because of his old age).  If it turns out he has an abdominal tumor as well then euthanasia would be the kindest options.  If this isn't a facial tumor then it could be a cyst/abscess - in which case a vet may be able to drain it.

Trying to decide whether or not to put a hamster to sleep is very difficult.  Some seem to go on forever and have such a strong will to live that in some cases it is necessary to take the decision for them.  The key thing is working out what his quality of life is.  If he seems OK, is able to walk (make his cage easy for him to get around so that food and water are close by), is interested in food and there is no sign of blood/pus coming from his rear, then it is probably best to leave alone.  If he is incredibly dull, sitting hunched up not wanting to leave his nest or there is any sign of blood/pus or diarrhea etc. then euthanasia would be kindest.  

I hope this helps.  Sorry I can't give you a definite answer.
