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Buying hamsters

21 11:16:15

Hi Lorelei,
I am wanting to buy two dwarf hamsters, and have decided on either chinese or russian. I was wondering whether you had any preference or you had any advice on which would be more suited to what kind of person. I ruled out Roborovski as I have read that these are quicker and harder to handle and I love to handle and spend time with my pets. Except my fish, obviously...
I also wondered what kind of bedding to use - I know that petshops all push wood shavings onto customers, but after reading some of the problems that small animals can have I only use them in the litter tray for my guinea pigs and shredded newspaper for the rest of the cage. Is it also true that if I end up with chinese hamsters that it would be best to get two males?
Another concern of mine is what kind of cage to get them, assuming that I cannot get hold of a glass one. Is it better to get one with levels, or a single level cage with things like tubes and wheels in?  I also would like to know whether a simple plastic bottomed cahe is better than a wire one. There are cages at my local petshop (though I will be going out to the next town to find a wider variety) that have wire bottoms and I am concerned that they would hurt the hamster if their legs were caught in them.
I know I have a lot of questions - and I will probably have more given time, but I take a lot of pride in me level of care when it comes to my beautiful cavies and fish, and would like to give the same level to my future hamsters.
Kind Regards,

Dear Helen,
Both types of hamsters are very good and would suit either person fine. It will come down to which ones you fall in love with when you meet your potential new family member. The one you find the cutest and the one that steals your heart first that comes up to you would be the best choice.

As for the bedding wood chips can be used but do not use pine or cedar. You could also use paper shredding if that would be easier for you. Just be sure to know that pine or cedar can cause skin rashes and respiratory diseases in any of your pets (including the cavies).  

You do not have to get two of the same kind of hamster. Majority of hamsters do just fine being alone if you spend time with them. They can have a cage mate, as that is what dwarf hamsters are known for but this could also cause some problems like arguments between the two if you don't find two that get along. Gender does not matter unless you want to avoid babies every three weeks then stick to same sex pairs. But as I said they are fine alone as well and will be plenty happy if you spend time with them.

As for the cage most any kind can work. Wire bottoms can be dangerous for their legs but this isn't too common. If you are worried about that then get a regular bottom. You could get a two level or single level cage if you like. Anything plastic they may chew through though, so beware, this also means the cage itself. For ex: I had a cage with a plastic bubble with tiny holes that they could peek out of and the hamster chewed the bubble off. Also make sure that the set up doesn't have the bottle placed in a hard to reach place or that it hangs too low.

Feel free to ask any questions any time, and I hope this answers them.

Good luck,