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My Dwarf Hamster Widgie

21 11:16:16

Hi Lorelei, I just got my Winter White Dwarf Hamster 3 days ago, and just
started interacting with it. What I am doing is wiggling my fingers in front of
his face so he can smell my fingers. I am also hanging around the cage and
talking to him, so he can get used to my voice. He likes to run up and look at
me then dart to his wheel and run furiously! haha, but I was wondering How
long I should continue doing this, and what should i do next, because I want
him to trust me 100%.

I have a Gerbil, and his trust in me is 0% and we have tried (me and his
breeder) to get him to warm up to me, but he just does not want to cooperate.
I want Widgie (my Hamster) to be different. I want him to be my
"cuddle buddy".

Also, he seems like he doesn't know how to use the water bottle. He sat there
for like 10 minutes today furiously licking the little ball on his water, and I
checked the water level, and after all that he only got like 3 drops of water
out. Should I use the water bottle with just a whole in the bottom of it or
what? Thanks for you help.

Dear Stephen,
Try taking him out the cage now and making sure that you don't drop or squeeze him. Maybe start out at a low level just in case. Feed him treats when you hold him, I believe the quickest way to a hamsters heart is food. Visit him around the same time every day and talk to him as you are. I would visit him in the evenings since that is the best time for a hamster. Make sure you do this at about the same time every day so they start to expect you there. Also do not wiggle your fingers in front of his face or you may teach him to bite. You can try to pet him once or twice with a finger or two gently and then back off a little. Go slow and eventually he should trust you. As for the water he is using the bottle just fine. You will not see the level go down very much because they do not require that much water for such a small animal.

Good luck,