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hamster cut leg

21 11:05:00

My new hamster has a cut on the inside of her leg. She only recently let me handle her, the cut looks fresh and there is no sign of infection.  I wiped the cut with hydrogen peroxide and polysporin. I want to know if I should take her to the vet immediately or wait and see if the cut heals on its own.

Hi Kalika

sorry to hear about your hamster.

How deep is the cut and how long is it?  Providing it isn't too big, and the area is clean it should heal given the chance.  You might want to swap any woodchip for paper bedding just for a few days so that there is no chance any specks of woodchip getting into the cut. Also bathe it in salt water.  you can buy a natural antiseptic called Teatree cream and this is often available from pet shops.

If the area becomes inflamed, there is sign of pus, if the wound is clearly open and not improving, or if any swelling appears, then definitely get her to a vet as she may need antibiotics.  But if the wound isn't too large and is kept clean and allowed to heal then it should be fine.

I hope this helps you.
