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my hamster cocoa is pregnant

21 13:32:39

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Question -
my hamster babies are due may 13 i think?  how long are they pregnant? what should i feed my hamster COCOA? my friend breeded hers first and it came to the day and she found out hers wasnt pregnant she thinks? will they be in heat why they are pregnant? can u breed the same male with 2 different girls? these are syerian hamsters? she is a short haired hamster is it ok if i breeded her with a long haired one same type? this is alot of ?s but i need them answered fast plz!!!

britney and thanks a lot I aprichate it
Answer -
 Hi. Well first, congrats! Hamters are pregant for about 16 days. When the babies are born, you need to take the dad out and put him a different cage or will eat the babies. Keep feeding cocoa the same things you've been feeding her. Make sure she always has enough food and water though. She will be in heat soon after birth but dad can't be in the cage when that happens. You can breed the same male with more than one femalae, just give a few days before you do it. Long haired hamsters and short haired wil breed just fine. You might have all long haired babies or short haired babies though. Good luck and let me know if there is anything else!


Well thanks for the info. first Its great it should help me i am wondering like what kind of human food to put in there they say i guess some of that is good if u know anything about that plz tell me.  Well another question this donesnt have to do with pets but do u have AOL AIM by any chance if you do tell me bc i do to and its just a little bit easier to talk on there.  SO if you want ill give u my sn and u can give me urs if you have it! sorry its not related to hamsters or gerbils!  THANKS a lot


 Once the hamsters open their eyes you can put some rice krispies in the cage for them to eat. They may not go to them right away but soon enough they'll be munching on them.  We're not actually allowed to give out screen names, sorry. But if you have any questions feel free to send them to me and i'll get back to you as soon as i can. Good luck.
