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bloody hamster

21 11:28:47

i have two dwarf hamster and the recently had babies, the babies are fine and running around, but one is handicapped and has a missing foot. he gets around fine but i was wondering if you thought she might still kill it anyways even though they are already two weeks old. she also has alot of dried blood on her butt that i thought she would clean off herself but has not. how would i go about cleaning her if she doesn't?

First of all let me say sorry for not responding to you sooner. I thought that my vacation was set till next month. There is still a chance that the mother will kill the baby, but due to the age of the baby, it seems unlikely. If you wish to clean off your hamster, just take a baby wipe to the area you wish to clean.

Thanks for writing, once again my deepest apologies for not responding sooner.