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Lump or something on hamsters shoulder

21 11:28:46

I have a Syrian hamster and he's a baby. I was holding him the other night and noticed something odd on his side. It feels almost like an out of place bone. I'm not quite sure but you can also feel tiny round things like bebe's. It sort of feels like food in his cheek pouch but I'm most certain it's something else because it's closer to his shoulder. Help please!!

Hi Chelsea,

A syrian hamster's pouches do go very far back - almost to the shoulder - especially when full, so it is probably food which you can feel - it does feel wierd sometimes and it is best not to touch the pouches because you could end up harming him by accident.

I am certain it is not babies you can feel - but if you think something is wrong it might be a good idea to take him the vets to make sure he is healthy.

You also need to sex him properly - it sounds as if you are not 100% sure of the sex.

Kind Regards,
