Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster teeth and chewing

Hamster teeth and chewing

21 11:51:03

QUESTION: As far as i am aware, hamsters teeth are supposed to be yellow, my hamsters teeth have been yellow but now the bottom ones have turned white. She is a 6 month old Syrian hamster.

She also seems to chew on the bars ALOT. She has many toys and treats to chew on but insists on chewing her bars. She has done it to such an extreme that her nose and her cheek has gone bald and i just cant get her to stop. I never had this problem with my previous hamster and i dont no what to do.

Many thanks
ANSWER: Hi Jess,

    Sounds like she may be bored. Try taking her out and putting her in a hamster ball for about an hour every night. This will help her burn some of that extra energy she has.
    Chewing on the bars is not a good thing for her teeth. You can try getting some apple bitter spray (you can pick it up at most pet stores) and spraying it on the bars or if you have lemons in your home, you can cut one in half and rub it on the bars. Hamsters do not like the taste, and it should stop the chewing on the bars.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for that, ill try it with a lemon and let you know how i get on.
I am already putting her in her ball twice a day for about half an hour every day and also taking her out and making mazes and things like that for her. Could she still be bored or just a stubborn little maddame who enjoys a bald nose?!

Hello again Jess,

    A stubborn little Madame sounds right, with the things you are doing to keep her happy. It sounds like you have a very healthy and energetic hamster. I really don't see how she can still be bored. I think she just likes things her way.
    The main concern is to get her to stop chewing on the bars so she don't break a tooth and hopefully the lemon will help.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thanks again for writing!