Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > please help my hamster

please help my hamster

21 11:36:02

Hi Joanne uh my hamster lives in a aquarium and I don't know how he should drink what should I do with my hamster so he can drink ( right now I have a container with water in it so he has to drink it from there ) please help me O and PS he's all by himself do I need to get another one ( my mom and dad only want one ) please help me and thank you for your time ( sorry it took so long ) :)

Hi Naomi,

All you need to buy him is a little hamster bowl, which you can get from the pet store cheaply. however, you must change it once a day so that it doesn't get dirty and make your hamster sick.

Hamsters do prefer to live alone actually, as long as you give him your attention some times, he'll be just fine. Putting another one in there may just frighten him, so your parents are right to only get one.

Good luck honey, and thank you so much for your question.

Joanne x