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Swelling. Please Help!

21 11:36:02

Dear madam,
My female hamster was very cute and plump when I bought her. She was also ferocious but I noticed a dark lump forming on her chest since last year. At first it was a small lump... My friend said it is common for female hamster to develop a small lump on their chest. Recently I noticed the lump has become bigger and bigger. It began growth on her chest. She no longer become active but she still eats allot and exercises allot. She loses weight. When I pushed the lump, it looks like a dark round lump which can move around. Please tell me what is it? I am worried about her health. By the way, can you please tell me how long can a dwarf hamster live? Thank You very much.

Hi Melissa,

Since your hamster has had the lump for so long, I'm inclined to believe that it is a tumor.  (An abscess would have burst long ago.)  Especially since you say she is not as active as she used to be.  I would encourage you to take your hamster to the vet, as tumors can sometimes be operated on.  Until then, try to make her as comfortable as possible - give her extra bedding, and make sure her food and water are near by.

Dwarf hamsters typically live 2-2 1/2 years, although they can certainly live longer.

I wish you and your hamster luck!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
