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unexpected baby gerbils

21 11:06:04

hello! I bought these gerbils 6 months ago and we just found babies! I'm guessing they are about 2 weeks old because the day after we found them they were wondering out of the nest, full of hair, eyes still closed. My question is this: The mother has nested in the ball on top of the cage. The babies have started falling down the tube now that they are wondering around. Both the mother and father are trying to carry them back up, unsuccessfully. They both freaked out when I moved the babies down to the main part of the cage. She has always been most comfortable in that ball on top. What should I do from here to keep it easy for them all? I don't think they will be able to stay in that ball and keep fallling down the tube, plus I know they will need water and room to roam. But I don't want to make the mother feel uneasy are upset about moving! I have attached some pictures. Thank you for your help!

Dear Tabitha,
thank you for your question.
I highly recommend getting another cage, the one you have is too small and badly ventilated, it also doesn't really allow the gerbils to dig. Moving the babies will be stressful for them and the parents, but it's better than having the babies fall down the tubes all the time.
Storage containers can make great gerbil homes and they are fairly cheap. If you want something more sturdy, then fishtanks are a good choice, as long as they are wider than high. Both will allow you to fill in a high layer of bedding for the gerbils to dig tunnels and nest. Gerbils are not great climbers or jumpers, but a lid made from mesh wire should be on top of the tank/container. Here are some examples of good gerbil homes:
and some more info about housing gerbils (the site has good gerbil info in general)

If it can be done, just move the whole nest with the plastic ball into the new cage. The mother is probably already pregnant again, they can mate directly after giving birth. To avoid a third litter, you need to separate the male from his family. You can introduce him to some of his sons, they should be separated from the mother and their sisters once their are 35 days old because they can breed at that age. The babies should stay with an adult for 6-8 weeks to be properly socialised.
I hope I was of some help to you