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How to ?

21 11:06:08

Hello Devin!
i have a dwarf hamster about 4-5 months old.i buy them in the pet shop 2-3 months old.i Have one male and one female dwarf hamster.
I want to breed them because i have bought many times but they never have pups even 1 dwarf hamster never breed themselves.They are in same cage they are not fighting..How can i breed them ? pls. help. thank you so much

Hello Mark,
Breeding hamsters is not hugely difficult, but can be a delicate process. As the female comes into heat, she will begin assuming a breeding stance with her back swayed and body stretched out. When petted over her back, she will remain motionless and sway her back even further. A thin mucus will be noticed coming from her vulva. For breeding, place the male into the female's cage about 1 hour before dark. Closely observe the pair for mating activity or fighting. Females can be very aggressive toward males and can cause serious injuries. At the first sign of aggression, separate the animals, then try again the next night. Remove the male shortly after a successful mating has taken place (he should have his own cage and not be put back in with the female). The cage be cleaned 2 weeks following breeding so it is clean when the babies arrive.

Length of pregnancy is short in hamsters, lasting only 15 to 16 days. The mother should have plenty of protein during this time; peanuts or peanut butter and cooked egg whites are great sources. Just before delivery, the expectant mother will become restless and may discharge a small amount of blood from her vulva. Do not handle or disturb the expectant mother at this time.

Litter size ranges from five to 10 pups; however, larger litters are not uncommon. The pups are born hairless with their eyes and ears closed. They already have their front teeth, known as incisors.

Provide ample nesting and bedding for the new mother and babies. Plenty of fresh food and water should be available before the babies are born. Do not disturb the mother and young for any reason during the first week after birth. When a mother hamster feels threatened, it is common for her to kill and cannibalize her young. In other instances, she may stuff the young into her cheek pouches and frantically carry them around the cage, looking for a safe place to establish a nest. Occasionally, pups will suffocate as a result of this activity, especially if the disturbance is prolonged.

Young hamsters usually begin eating solid food at 7 to 10 days of age but are not weaned until 21 to 25 days. Provide regular food on the cage floor for the young and include soaked, softened pellets for them as well. Make sure that the water bottle is low enough for the weanlings to use and that they are strong enough to use it. If they are not strong enough, provide an alternate water source for them.

Hope that helps!