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panda hamster losing fur & mites in food

21 11:04:30

Hi,I would like to know what's causing my hamster to lose his fur  on his lower part of his body, and .I notice mites in his food why is that

Hi Estela

Thanks for your question. Whereabouts is the fur loss? Is it on his hips? Is it symmetrical? If so it could just be the fur thinning by his scent glands that are on his hips. If not how old is he? When hamsters get old their fur can thin out.

If he is scratching then it would be worth treating him for mites. You can buy an anti parasite medication - made by beapher - it is the one for hamsters. If you can't get this there are others but you need to make sure it contains the drug ivermectin. It is applied externally to the back of his neck. It is important to read the instructions carefully.

I don't understand about the mites in his food. If you think there are parasites in it then you should throw it out and thoroughly clean his bowl before refilling.

I hope this helps you.
