Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > I think my hamster might be sick but im not sure...

I think my hamster might be sick but im not sure...

21 11:57:04

I think my hamster is sick but im not sure. He keeps on squeaking weirdly and his left eye is closed and looks crusted.....but his right eye is fine. He's never squeaked like this before. What is wrong with him? By the way, would it have to do with his age because I've had him for 3 and a half years. That's old for most hamsters.

hi laynie,

wow that is one old hamster, good on you for looking after him so well!

old age is just getting the better of his little body. i wouldnt bother taking him to the vets, it'll only stress him out, and they'd ask you if you wanted him put down, and why should you? you wouldnt put an old man to sleep just cos hes a little ill.

what you should do is take a q-tip with luke warm, pre-boiled water and gently wipe the crusts away. hes probably squeaking because hes old and his breathing might not be what it used to.

so for the last lap of his life, spoil him, give him treats, lots of bedding and cuddles.

good luck with this and thank you for your question. let me know what happens.

joanne :)