Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > ewww...


21 11:56:31

Well i have had my new hamster for about a month or two and its the second one i have owned. but this one seems kindof weird because at first i thought it was nothing but his...poop is not in pellets its kindof gooey like and really grose. and it always sticks to his rear end so its really nasty and smeels.
he also dosnt run on his wheel that often but he dosnt really act sick.

Please help, thank you!

hi tony,

there are 2 reasons why this might happen, one being that he has 'wet tail' which is a lethal infection if left untreated, if he starts to act differently ie not eating or drinking, or become lazy and sleepy, then see a vet immediately for antibiotic treatment. if this happens, while hes at the vet you will need to clean out his cage very thoroughly to avoid reinfection, including his ball and wheel, basically anything he comes in contact with, you can also try giving him some luke warm milk and honey as it may boost his immune system.

secondly, are you feeding him large or daily ammounts of fruit, veg or chocolate? as this will also cause him to have mushy poop. he needs to be fed on the hamster muslie, available in all pet stores and only given other foods as treats, in small ammounts once or twice a week.

good luck and thank you for your question, let me know how you get on and please feel free to ask again.

joanne :)