Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my hamster ray ray is 3 and i want to know something

my hamster ray ray is 3 and i want to know something

21 11:35:53

Hi i'm Brooke and i have had a teddy bear hamster for 3 years, i want to know how to tell if he is healthy or not,all he does is sleep,and at night he only gets up for like 4 hours to eat,run, and drink. and more importantly,i have treats and the back gives servings for rabbits and chinchillas only,is it ok to feed him those,or should i toss them?

Hi Brooke,

Your hamster is much older than the normal average life span of a hamster, thats what I meant :)

Most hamsters only live to be around 2 years of age at most. So you have done so well to give him the long and happy life each pet deserves. Though don't worry, as long as you keep doing what you've been doing, he will be with you for a good while yet :)

Unfortunately I can't guarantee that he will live for another year, but i can't guarentee that he won't :)

Anyway, take care of yourself and your pet :)

Joanne x