Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > too old for hamster?/makes to much noise at night

too old for hamster?/makes to much noise at night

21 13:28:00


Can soneone be too old to own a hamster? most movies that have hamsters have little kid owners, you rarly hear about someone over the age of 16 owning a hamster.

Also my hamster makes too much noise at night time and it wakes me up... what should I do?

p.s. i am 19

hi rachel,
great question. short i'm 26, so that probably makes me the oldest person to own a hamster!
hamsters make great pets whatever age you are, whether you're male or female it doesn't matter as long as you have the correct knowledge to look after them properly.
they can be noisy little fellows at night though. they are nocturnal creatures by nature so generally sleep in the day and wake at night. unfortunately that means you run the risk of being kept awake.
i have found in the past that you do get used to the noise and it becomes easier to sleep with your hammy after a while.
a few tried and tested methods to control the noise are as follows...
1) if hammy is chewing at his bars try stuffing the chewed  
  areas with wet babywipes every night before you go to
  bed. the smell puts your hamster off and after a while
  its attention diverts elsewhere.
2) if hammy's wheel is a bit squeaky try 'oiling' it with
  vegetable oil (never use WD40, bike oil or anything that
  could be toxic!)
3) try covering the cage with a towel or blanket ensuring
  there is plenty of air. this helps to calm hammy down.
4) finally, if the noise is really bothering you, on a
  night-time put hammy in another room/cupboard with the
  door ajar just before you go to bed.

hope this helps. thanks for your question, jewel