Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > blind or tumer

blind or tumer

21 13:27:45

thanks for your help yesterday.well my adult hamsters have something wrong with them `cause,ok um one of them is named white boy `cause he`s white.the other ones name is chibi `cause it`s kinda fat but not really.well white boy has a light blue color in his eye only one of them.
chibi has only her pupil whiteish blue.i think chibi is in heat `cause when she and white boy are near they sniff each other then they get in position for get the picture right?i think they just might be getting old.  

Well, it's possible they could be in heat if they are mating. Generally hamsters are almost always in heat unless they are pregnant. Have they had litters before? How old are your hamsters? I am not at all too sure why their eyes would be that color. If it's not affecting them in anyway then I wouldn't worry too much really. There's not much a doctor could probably do. Having a fat hamster is fine though. Mine is fat and happy as can be. :)