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My Dwarf Hamster Keeps Shaking

21 11:55:08


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My dwarf hamster is about a year and 3 months old. Over the past two months he has lost quite a lot of weight as he was a bit chubby. He isn't eating or drinking much and whenever i pick him up he isn't cold but is always shaking, but he is always running on his wheel. What is wrong with him?
Dear Sophii,

Please get your hamster to a vet! The sooner the better. I am not sure exactyly what is wrong, being that I would really have to see it to tell, but a vet will be able to give a proper diagnosis. This sound pretty serious, so make an appontment for the vet a.s.a.p.
If you still ahve any questions, e-mail me back!

Is it just because he is getting old? Also my other hamster has no fur on her arms and it seems very sore as she sqeaks when i touch it, what could be wrong?

It is possible that age is the problem, but since your other hamster isnt doing well either, I really dont know what to say. It may be too cold/hot/humid/dry for them, it could be their food, or water. I really don't know, but please talk to a vet about it.
I am sorry i can't help you, but i don't want to make an incorrect diagnosis. just try to keep them comfortable and safe, and talk to a vet.
Sorry, again.