Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Curious


21 13:31:15

 I am very curious about quite a lot of things.
I have two teddy bear hamsters, and one is four months old and one is about a year.
 I am mostly concerned about if all hamsters get bald. If you can't answer it's okay.
 Also, why some hamsters squeak at night. If so how can I help prevent it.
 Okay this is my last quesiton. I had a dwarf teddy bear hamster that just past away, and I was wondering if they can die of bad heigene or being raised by a bad family.
                 Thank You, Jedediah

    Write back soon!  

Dear Kilana,
thank you your your question.
Do you keep the hamsters together? All hamsters, even dwarfs, are solitary animals and will fight each other. You must keep them seperate. The squeaking at night and the loss of fur are signs of stress and fighting.

If you keep them seperate, it's different of course. Sometimes old hamsters loose fur, but you should always check if it's a skin disease like a fungal infection. If the hamster is scratching a lot or if the skin is reddened or flaking, this is a sign of illness and you should see a vet.
Sometimes hamsters have bad dreams and squeak because of that.  But usually they don't make much noise, that's why I assumed you keep them together.

Hamsters definitely can die of bad hygiene, this can cause many disease: fungal infections, respiratory infections, diarrhea ect. Inbreeding can be a cause of death, too (is that what you mean by "being raised by a bad family"?), it can cause the hamsters' internal organs to cease functioning properly for example. Although all Syrian hamsters now living in captivity have the same ancestors (a group of one female and her sons caught in 1930), inbreeding can have that effect, especially with some colour breeds. Dwarf hamsters were caught in a greater number and bred in captivity, but sometimes certain combinations of genes can cause illness and death in the offspring.

If you meant something else, please get back to me!
I hope I was of some help