Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Do all hamsters stuff their pouches?

Do all hamsters stuff their pouches?

21 11:50:10

Hi, I acquired a new male Syrian teddy bear hamster.  Male, about 4 months old.  I have never seen him--stuff his pouch, he gets his food out of the dish and hides it in his bedding.  I was wondering why?  Is he happy with his environment--is it possible he is not a hamster, but a long haired mouse (eeeek) He is very sweet and has the long hair and the owner said he just fathered 5 babies with another syrian--all the babies were regular looking hamsters.  Just wondering why he never stuffs his pouch.  My other one stuffed at first, but now is not.  SOOOOOOOOO, are they just very content with their surroundings, home, food, etc?  Thank you very much for any input.  Linda  

It could just be your cage set up, he might not need to stuff his cheeks if the place he hoards is near his food supply. The only reason they stuff in the first place is to transport food to their hoard, aka wherever they burry their food. There is no chance that your hamster is part mouse.