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Dwarf hamster noises

21 11:36:15

I have recently bought three russian dwarf hamsters, i went on holiday for a week leaving them with a friend to take care of them, however since i got back one of them has been making a strange noise not squeeking but sort of sneezing noise is this normal or should i take her to the vets? Thank you

Hi Leanne

Hamsters can suffer from colds.  If this is what your hamster has got, then you really need to get it to the vet as soon as possible.  I suggest you take all three along together.  If it is a cold, there are other symptoms that they will be displaying:  cold, shivering, dull, hunched up, runny eyes and nose.  If it is just making a sneezing noise, I would suggest keeping a close watch on it for a few days to see if the situation improves.  Should it deteriorate or one of the others starts behaving the same way, then I recommend you get them to the vet urgently.

However, they can also suffer from allergies.  Where did your friend keep the hamsters?  Hamsters are very sensitive to smells, especially air freshener, perfume, etc. Is it possible that your friend sprayed something near their cage?  Or were they kept in a garage or similar where there could be fumes?  Did anything change inside their cage - i.e. presumably she used the same bedding/wood chippings?  If it is an allergic reaction to something in their temporary environment, now that your hamsters are back home they should settle.  

I hope this helps you - please let me know how you get on.
