Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Bitting Hamster

Bitting Hamster

21 13:26:41

I just bought a hamster, which I have had for 5 days. At first he was friendly and I was even able to handle him after haveing him home a couple of days. Then two days ago he bit me and drew blood. Now I'm not sure what to do. I tried wearing a glove, but he bit it too. I am a little afraid to have my hand around him because I'm worried that he might bite me again. What should I do? And how long does it take to fix the problem if it is fixable? I have also wondered if I should take him back and try another one. Oh, and to my knowlege he has not been traumatized in any way.

Hi Tori,

Many hamsters bite when they're in a new home.  They're stressed out, and it will take time for them to trust you.  Try buying Bitter Lime Spray (or Gel) at the pet store.  It's marketed towards ferrets, but it's safe for all small animals.  Spray or rub it on your hands before you handle your hamster.  If he tries to bite you, he'll taste the bitter lime and he won't want to bite you again.  (You'll most likely have to repeat this process several times, until you are confident that your hamster won't bite you again.)

Obviously, it's up to you if you want to try another hamster.  But, like I said, many hamsters bite when they're in a new home, so you might want to give this hamster time to be comfortable with you.

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
