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Black bear hamster emergency

21 11:36:21

My daughter brought me her black bear hamster yesterday... it is usually the sweetest and most personable little thing... but it was curled up funny, hunched over, and couldn't walk right. Her backbone feels stiff and is arched, she can't really control her neck and keep her head steady. She seems to want to look up alot. She tries to walk but falls over as though her feet are hurt. Her eyes seem smaller on her face than usual. She can be extra hard to wake up too. Her water bottle was clogged and we held her and let her drink, which she did for a very long time before letting go. I was hoping that re-hydrating her would help, but its been a day now and she isn't much better. She can still eat and store food in her cheeks, and my daughter says that she has not been dropped but i really don't know. She is almost two years old, but has always been very active. She has a double decker cage and i have seen her fall from the top level numerous times... its about a foot or so drop. We are SO worried. If she is in pain, is there any way to help her feel better? I'm not sure i can afford a trip to the animal hospital.

It sounds like it may be a few different problems. First may be constipation from not having water access. Feed the hamster a piece of watery fruit or veggie and see if that helps. Another could be the hamster has had a mild stroke, to which nothing will be able to help, or the hamster has hurt itself in the cage by falling, again, something you really can't help on your own. This is why all double decker cages should be sold as full floors and not just floating platforms. I would suggest for the safety and comfort of your ham to put in a full floor with cardboard, or at least plastic needle point mesh. You could also move the hamster into an aquarium where everything will be on 1 level and will make it easier for the painful ham to get everything. There is really nothing you or I could do without the help of a vet. Hamsters do not cost as much as you may think for a visit.