Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Gerbil aggression

Gerbil aggression

21 13:26:46

I have had four female gerbils for about a year.  They were all born
at the same time and I haven't had any problems with them at all.  
They seemed to get along just fine, eating, sleeping, and playing
together.  This morning I woke up to find three of them dead.  Two
of them were bloody, and one of them looked fine, just dead.  
There is one left, and she didn't have any blood around her mouth
or anything, so I don't know if she is the guilty culprit or if one of
the dead ones did the attacking.  Any ideas?

Hello, it seems that there must have been a fight for dominance and well she won. When they reach about a year old or so they do have the tendancy to quarrel for dominance and from what you described that's probably what happened. She may have also nibbled on the bodies after they died. :-\ I'm so sorry for your loss though. It must have been really for you right now and I'll keep you in my prayers.