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About my gerbil...

21 11:55:57

Dear Charlotte Louise Gutteridge,
My gerbil is acting weird. She's pushing bedding in one part of her cage and getting fatter around the stomache. She has a male in the cage with her but we just got them about 2 weeks ago. We got them at the same pet store but the cashier said they were only a little over a month old. There now one month and two weeks old. Do u think she's pregnant? And is she too young? Please answer.

Hi Ali,

She may well be pregnant, and it is possible she was slightly older than a month. Pet shops get their gerbils from breeders, and so it is impossible to know the exact age of them when they reach the shop.

If she has been with a male all this time then yes she may well be pregnant. Gerbils tend to nest with their bedding anyway, so i wouldn't consider this a sign!

Getting fatter however is a sign, but it doesn't normally happen until she is a few days from birth!!

Hope this helps.