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Noisy Hamster

21 11:55:57

I just bought a hamster yesterday.  He was a little old - 15 weeks.  I haven't even attempted to pick him up because I understand you're not meant to for the first few days.  However, I've tried to stroke him a little on his back and let him get used to my scent so he knows I won't hurt him, but he doesn't seem too keen on even being touched.  He's also extremely noisy and squeals a lot - sometimes quite loudly but sometimes just as if he's trying to have a conversation!  Is he just pretty grumpy or is he just getting used to his new home?  My sister got a hamster yesterday as well and hers seems to be very friendly but mine just isn't so I'm a little worried that mine's okay and not poorly!!

Hiya, and congratulations on your new hamster.
You shouldn't worry about the noise unless he continues to do it. He will just be scared and nervous of his new home.
Try covering his cage for a couple of days to calm him.
Before getting him used to being handled, speak to him softly so he gets used to your voice.
Then follow these tips to make sure he can be handled easily in the future. It is better to get him used to it soon, as training older hamsters can be very difficult:
Put some fresh veg on your hand, and see if he will eat from it, or even step on your hand. It will take time but eventually he will step onto your hand of his own accord.
While he is eating from your hand, gently speak to him and stroke him with the other hand. Do this for a few days.
Curl your fingers very slowly and gently around his body. Keep doing this until he is calm with it.
Eventually you can lift him just a couple of inches off the ground, keeping your other hand over his back, without any struggling. Over a couple of weeks you can get higher and higher off the ground, until he is completely out the cage.

Good luck,