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Hamster sneezing?

21 12:01:34

I got my hamster a couple of days ago, and he keeps sneezing (at least that's what I think he's doing).  He's active late at night and eats fine, but I wonder if he's sick?  I used carefresh paper bedding, so I don't think that's it, but I don't want him to be sick.  What can I do?

hi karla,

aw bless his little cotton socks lol, although worrying i bet its kinda cute lol.

it sounds like your hamster may have a cold, if he starts to get a runny nose/eyes etc then it is most likely a cold so keep your eyes open for these symptoms as well. and try to keep him as warm as you can, give him some extra bedding, keep him away from draughts and dont leave windows open for a long period of time. if it is a cold, he will start to develop more serious symptoms like, lazyness, sleepyness, refusal to eat and play. if this occurs take him to the vet immediately.

it may be an allergic reaction to other things as well tho, for example if you keep your hamster in your room , the air freshner, deodorant etc that you use could be bothering him. stop with any air freshners you may have and apply your sprays in another room.

id keep a very watchful eye on him for 5 days to a week, looking for signs of more serious symptoms, as said above, if it hasnt stopped by then, see a vet. also feed him things that will boost his health, like lettace, apples (no skin), carrots (this veg should be given at the most twice a week in small ammounts) and maybe a small ammount of luke warm milk, 5 or 6 drops should do the trick, only give him this once tho as its not usually in his natural diet.

good luck with him and please do let me know how you have both got on via a comment, feel free to ask anything u like at anytime, and thank you for your question.

joanne :)