Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > I think that my hamster is blind

I think that my hamster is blind

21 11:11:56

I think that my hamster may be blind in his left eye. about 2 or so weeks ago i had taken him out of his cage and the light had hit eye and i had noticed that I could she his pupil very clearly or I think that it is his pupil. Well on his right eye there is no spot. Is he actually blind or is it something treatable?

Hi Stephanie

Hamsters can get cataracts and it could be this.  It might be worth checking with a vet to ensure that there is no eye infection as such.

If you find that he has gone blind in one eye, this isn't a real problem.  Hamsters are very shortsighted anyway and rely on their sense of smell and hearing rather than eyesight.  If you find he goes blind in both eyes, then it is important not to approach him without letting him know you are around first so that you don't startle him.  I have 3 hamsters who were all born with no eyes (genetic abnormality) and they are all fine - I stand near their cage before opening it so that they can smell me, or I blow on them gently so that they know I'm there.  Blindness is something that doesn't worry hamsters too much.  It is a good idea with a blind hamster to try and restrict them to one level of the cage so that they don't hurt themselves.  I always return toys etc to the same part of the cage every time I clean them out so that there is something familiar for them to smell.

However, if you do have a local vet who can check him out it might be worth doing this just in case this is a temporary clouding - i.e. he has poked something in his eye - in which case this may well be treatable with antibiotics etc.

Hope you get on OK.
